Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took a swipe at Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi for offering namaz on Eid, remarking that Gogoi "has not visited the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya yet." Sarma criticized Gogoi for allegedly not showing the same reverence for the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the Ram Temple as he did for Eid prayers.
Addressing reporters, Sarma questioned why Gaurav Gogoi did not exhibit the same devotion towards the Ram Mandir inauguration event as he did during Eid prayers. He pointed out Gogoi's participation in protests alongside Rahul Gandhi in Nagaon on the day of the Ram Temple inauguration.
Sarma accused Gogoi of engaging in appeasement politics and emphasized the need for addressing the issues faced by the Muslim community in Assam through development initiatives rather than political gestures.
In response, Gaurav Gogoi defended his actions, stating that they had planned to visit the Batadrava Than, the birthplace of Assamese saint Srimanta Sankardev. He criticized Sarma for allegedly insulting the Batadrava Than and the principles of Srimanta Sankardev.
The spat between Sarma and Gogoi comes amidst heightened political tensions, with Sarma previously criticizing the Congress manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, alleging it to be more suited for Pakistan than India and accusing it of practicing politics of appeasement.