On Tuesday, the national capital of Delhi experienced its highest maximum temperature of the season, reaching 38 degrees Celsius, which is three notches above the season's average, as reported by the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
According to Kuldeep Srivastava, a scientist and head of the Regional Meteorological Center, temperatures are anticipated to escalate further, possibly reaching nearly 40 degrees Celsius by the end of the week. However, he reassured that there would be no heatwave as Delhi may witness rainfall activities on April 13 and 14, along with thunderstorms.
March 30 marked the second-highest maximum temperature recorded during this summer season, reaching 37.8 degrees Celsius.
For Wednesday, the weather forecast indicates a partly cloudy sky, with the maximum and minimum temperatures expected to settle at 38 and 19 degrees Celsius, respectively.
In specific areas of Delhi, such as Najafgarh, the temperature soared even higher, with a recorded high of 39.7 degrees Celsius at 6:30 pm, according to data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD).