Congress calls the response of the Ireland envoy to the PM editorial disgraceful

The response from the Indian Ambassador to Ireland, Akhilesh Mishra, to The Irish Times editorial criticizing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has stirred controversy, with the Congress party condemning Mishra's remarks as unprofessional and disgraceful.

Congress's communications in-charge, Jairam Ramesh, expressed disappointment in Mishra's response, stating that while defending the government of India is expected from an Ambassador, openly attacking opposition parties in a partisan manner is unprofessional. Ramesh characterized Mishra's behavior as reminiscent of a party apparatchik, someone who unquestioningly follows orders from a government or political party.

The Irish Times editorial, titled 'Modi tightens his grip,' accused PM Modi of promoting an "intolerant Hindu-first majoritarianism," drawing comparisons between Modi and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The editorial criticized Modi's embrace of Hindu nationalism for exacerbating tensions with the Muslim community and eroding secularism in Indian politics.

In his response, Mishra dismissed the editorial as "highly biased and prejudiced," attributing PM Modi's popularity to his government's fight against corruption. Mishra emphasized the success of the anti-corruption drive under the BJP government, highlighting the recovery of assets from powerful individuals previously operating with impunity.

Mishra's defense of the government's actions, particularly in combating corruption, reflects the ongoing political tensions surrounding PM Modi's leadership and the narrative surrounding his administration's policies and priorities.

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