The Maharashtra unit of the Congress has strongly condemned BJP minister and Chandrapur Lok Sabha candidate, Sudhir Mungantiwar, for his alleged 'incestuous' remarks made during an election rally, which was subsequently addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mungantiwar's remarks at the rally included references to the 1984 riots in Delhi, where he described disturbing incidents of spouses and their children being separated, and even went as far as claiming that a "brother and sister were stripped naked and made to lie on a cot".
Expressing deep concern over Mungantiwar's statements, the Congress has called upon the Election Commission of India (ECI) to take stringent action against him, including the cancellation of his Lok Sabha candidature. Maharashtra Congress spokesperson Atul Londhe highlighted the severity of the situation, condemning Mungantiwar for violating the Model Code of Conduct by delivering vulgar and offensive remarks that circulated widely on social media.
Londhe emphasized that Mungantiwar's language was not only provocative but also aimed at sowing discord between communities. He further criticized the BJP candidate for demeaning women through derogatory statements made in his speech.
In response, Mungantiwar defended his remarks, suggesting that the Congress was attempting to deflect attention from its own atrocities in 1984 by reacting strongly to reminders of such events. He accused the Congress of selectively highlighting parts of his speech and distorting his statements, asserting his commitment to speaking out against what he views as the dictatorial actions of the Congress party.
As of now, the Election Commission has not issued a response regarding the matter, leaving the situation unresolved.