Amrita Roy, the 'Rajmata' of Krishnanagar Royal Palace in Bengal, recently made headlines with her entry into politics as a BJP candidate for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. In an exclusive interview with India Today TV, she addressed various topics ranging from her family history to her political aspirations and her views on her opponent, Mahua Moitra. Here are some key excerpts from the interview:
1. **Entry into Politics**: Initially not interested in politics, Amrita Roy was approached by the BJP ten years ago but declined. However, recent corruption scandals and their impact on society prompted her to reconsider, leading to her decision to join the party.
2. **Conversation with PM Modi**: Describing her conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi as divine and overwhelming, she mentioned feeling comfortable and supported by him, despite her initial apprehensions.
3. **Preparation for Election**: Amrita Roy highlighted the importance of utilizing recovered corruption funds for the welfare of Bengal's poor people and emphasized her commitment to fighting corruption and contributing to society's betterment.
4. **Family's Political History**: Apart from a family friendship with Dr. Bidhan Ch Roy in the past, her family has largely stayed away from politics due to personal reasons.
5. **Challenges Faced**: Amrita Roy discussed challenges faced in preserving the legacy and heritage of the Rajbari, including dealing with local authorities and goons who sometimes misuse their power.
6. **Opponent Mahua Moitra**: Regarding her opponent Mahua Moitra, who has been expelled from Parliament due to serious charges, Amrita Roy questioned her ability to clear her name and address the allegations against her.
7. **Job Creation**: Recognizing the importance of job creation in West Bengal, she emphasized the need to focus on reviving industries and creating employment opportunities locally.
8. **Title and Local Engagement**: Responding to criticisms about her title and alleged detachment from local issues, Amrita Roy emphasized her active engagement with the community and commitment to the people of Krishnanagar.
9. **Historical Context**: Drawing parallels between Siraj ud-Daulah and suspended TMC leader Sheikh Shahjahan, she highlighted the need to address issues related to women's safety and voice empowerment.
10. **Campaign Focus**: Amrita Roy emphasized that her campaign would not focus on divisive narratives but rather on fighting corruption and working for the welfare of society.
Amrita Roy's entry into politics has brought historical context and personal commitment to the forefront of the electoral campaign in Krishnanagar, setting the stage for an intriguing electoral battle in the upcoming elections.