Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared a light-hearted moment during an interaction with the country's top gamers when they explained gaming terminologies like "grind" and "noob" to him. In a video shared by PM Modi on X, he can be seen bursting into laughter upon hearing the term "noob". He jokingly remarked that if he used this word during elections, people might wonder who he was referring to, implying a lack of experience in a particular field without naming any specific leader.
The term "noob" is a slang word commonly used in gaming circles to refer to someone who is new to a game or lacks experience in a certain area.
The comment sparked a political debate, with Congress criticizing PM Modi's remark as a political tactic ahead of elections. BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla countered the criticism, questioning why Congress leaders were reacting and confirming who the "noob of politics" is, suggesting that PM Modi did not directly name anyone.
Actress Kangana Ranaut also joined the discussion, asking who the "noob" referred to.
Despite the political reaction, PM Modi's interaction with the gamers was well-received, with participants praising his sense of humor and calling him the "coolest PM" and "country's biggest influencer".
During the interaction, PM Modi discussed various issues related to the gaming industry, including regulations and challenges. He emphasized the government's recognition of the creativity of gamers and its promotion of the gaming industry in India. PM Modi also proposed an alternative solution called Mission LIFE, advocating for lifestyle changes to benefit the environment, and envisioned a game aimed at addressing global climate issues.