The Indian Railways faced criticism on social media after a photo of a board on the Hatia-Ernakulam Express surfaced, showing the Malayalam translation of "Hatia" as "Kolapathakam" (murderer). The image quickly spread across social platforms, prompting widespread backlash.
Attributed to confusion over the Hindi word "Hatya" (murder), a Railways official acknowledged the mistake. In response to the uproar, the railway authorities promptly covered the Malayalam word with yellow paint to rectify the error.
The Hatia-Ernakulam Express connects the cities of Hatia in Ranchi and Ernakulam weekly. Despite the correction, social media users commented on the reliance on tools like Google Translate and highlighted the need for accuracy in translations. The Senior Divisional Commercial Manager of the Ranchi Division confirmed the correction and assured that steps were taken to address the oversight.