Three members of the Naxalite group met their demise during an intense clash with security forces amidst the dense foliage of a forest nestled in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district, which shares its borders with Telangana, on a recent Saturday. This information was disclosed by a senior police official based in the vicinity.
The exchange of gunfire occurred within the depths of the Pujari Kanker forest, situated along the border connecting the two states, while a specialized team from Telangana, known as the Greyhounds, was engaged in a tactical mission, as reported.
Assisting the Greyhounds in their operation, a contingent from the Chhattisgarh police was also present in the vicinity, providing supplementary support, the official further detailed.
Confirming the outcome of the confrontation, the official stated that three Naxalites succumbed to the conflict, with the recovery of firearms found at the scene of the skirmish.
Presently, a thorough combing operation continues within the area, the official emphasized.
This incident follows another clash earlier in the week, wherein a significant number of Naxalites, including women combatants, totaling at least 13 individuals, met a similar fate in Bijapur district, according to recent reports.