Bangladeshi security forces made a significant arrest on Sunday, capturing Cheosim Bom, a top commander of the Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF), during a raid at his residence. The KNF is suspected of having ties to an Islamic terrorist organization.
Cheosim Bom's arrest followed a series of recent incidents involving the KNF, including bank robberies and the abduction of a bank manager. The manager was released after three days of mediation.
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), the anti-terrorism unit of the Bangladesh Police, conducted the operation that led to Cheosim Bom's arrest. During the raid at his residence on the outskirts of Bandarban town, he was found hiding inside a locked locker.
Cheosim Bom is believed to be a crucial organizer and coordinator within the KNF, closely associated with the group's chief, Nathan Bom, who remains at large.
This development occurs amid an ongoing military crackdown on the KNF in Bandarban, as authorities aim to dismantle the insurgent group. The KNF has been responsible for deadly attacks in the region, including the killing of three soldiers in 2023.
The KNF's objective is to establish a separate autonomous state for the Bom community, which is predominantly Christian.