On a recent Saturday, a significant fire incident unfolded at the NTPC's Kaniha plant situated in the Angul district of Odisha. Early reports suggest that the fire originated on the conveyor belt within the plant premises in the Talcher area, although the precise cause remains undetermined.
Images captured the daunting sight of thick black smoke billowing from the thermal plant alongside the fierce flames.
Prompt response teams from the Odisha fire services swiftly mobilized to the location to commence firefighting operations.
NTPC officials detailed that the fire erupted around 8:10 am, specifically affecting conveyor belts 15 A and B, as well as coal transfer point 16, positioned between Units 2 and 3. Fortunately, the timely intervention by the CISF fire wing and the plant's disaster response team effectively contained and extinguished the blaze, thereby mitigating potential damages and casualties.
As a preventive measure, Unit 3, with a capacity of 500 MW, was temporarily halted to facilitate the containment efforts, while the remaining units continued their operations uninterrupted.
Thankfully, no injuries or fatalities were reported in connection with the incident.
In a statement, NTPC assured the public that investigations into the fire's cause are actively underway, with a dedicated focus on assessing damages and initiating requisite repair works.