During a roadshow in Kolar, Karnataka, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah passionately urged the state's citizens to pave the way for Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to assume the position of Prime Minister after the Lok Sabha polls. Criticizing the BJP-led Central government for inflation, Siddaramaiah emphasized that unlike the BJP, the Congress consistently delivers on its promises.
Asserting that the Congress stands by its commitments and pledges, Siddaramaiah highlighted the party's track record of fulfilling assurances made to the people, as demonstrated during his tenure as Chief Minister of Karnataka. He assured the electorate that the guarantees outlined in the Congress manifesto would be upheld upon assuming power at the national level.
Siddaramaiah characterized the BJP as a "factory of lies," cautioning voters not to be swayed by the falsehoods propagated by the party out of fear of electoral defeat. He underscored the durability of the five guarantee schemes implemented by his administration, likening them to a five-year warranty that is faithfully upheld.
Citing the escalating prices of essential commodities under the Modi government, Siddaramaiah expressed solidarity with the populace grappling with economic hardships. He attributed these challenges to the BJP's policies and reiterated the Congress's commitment to alleviating the burden through its guarantee promises.
Dismissing the BJP's skepticism regarding the feasibility of implementing these assurances, Siddaramaiah reaffirmed the Congress's unwavering commitment to fulfilling its guarantees, emphasizing their enduring validity throughout the party's term in office.
In essence, Siddaramaiah's impassioned plea underscored the Congress's commitment to governance rooted in transparency, accountability, and steadfast dedication to the welfare of the people.