The tragic incident in Mahendragarh, Haryana, where six children lost their lives and around 20 were injured after their school bus overturned, has sparked outrage and led to swift action from authorities.
The accident occurred near Unhani village in Kanina when the bus, carrying approximately 40 children to G L Public School, crashed into a tree and overturned. Investigations revealed that the driver, Dharmender, was allegedly rash driving and possibly under the influence of alcohol.
In response to the incident, the police have taken prompt action, arresting three individuals, including the school's principal and another school official. The driver, whose fitness certificate had expired in 2018, has also been arrested. Moreover, a show-cause notice has been issued to the private school to explain why it was open on a holiday, which was observed for Eid.
Authorities have initiated further measures to address the situation. The district education officer has proposed cancelling the school's recognition for operating on a gazetted holiday. Additionally, the state government has ordered a probe into the incident, with the Transport Minister directing officials to ensure the fitness of all school buses.
It's disheartening to learn that the school authorities were allegedly aware of the driver's drinking habit, yet failed to take appropriate action. Parents reportedly raised concerns about the driver's condition on the day of the accident.
The tragedy has elicited condolences from political leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, who expressed their sympathies for the victims' families and emphasized the government's commitment to providing assistance.
As investigations into the accident continue, it's crucial to hold accountable those responsible and implement stringent measures to prevent such incidents in the future. The safety and well-being of students must remain a top priority for educational institutions and authorities alike.