Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a candid conversation with India's top online gaming creators, emphasizing the importance of allowing the gaming industry to thrive under an organized and legal framework rather than imposing regulation. He acknowledged gaming as a viable career option for young people and highlighted its potential to create more opportunities for budding gamers.
During the interaction, PM Modi expressed his belief that excessive government intervention through regulation may not be ideal, suggesting instead to bring gaming under an organized legal structure to enhance its reputation and sustainability. He emphasized his vision to uplift the country to a level where unnecessary government intervention is minimized by 2047, aiming to break free from bureaucratic constraints.
PM Modi also showcased his interest in gaming by trying his hand at playing some games, while light-heartedly expressing his hope not to get addicted. He inquired about how gaming creators handle the perception of gaming being associated with gambling, to which they highlighted the distinction between gaming and leisurely pastimes like Ludo, emphasizing the mental and physical skills required in complex games like chess.
The Prime Minister listened attentively to the stories of gaming creators, such as Animesh Agarwal, who took a break from pursuing Chartered Accountancy to delve into gaming with the support of his parents. PM Modi commended the increasing number of youths choosing gaming as a career and emphasized the importance of providing better guidance to aspiring gamers.
In a proactive gesture, PM Modi encouraged gaming creators to reach out to his office via email, detailing their issues with precise key points, signaling his commitment to addressing their concerns and promoting the growth of the gaming industry in India.