The CPI(M)-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) has officially filed a complaint with the Election Commission against BJP's Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha candidate, alleging discrepancies in his election nomination affidavit. This complaint follows a similar one filed earlier by the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) against the Union Minister.
In the complaint, the LDF alleges that Chandrasekhar failed to accurately declare all his assets in the affidavit. Specifically, they argue that he misrepresented his total income for the financial year 2021-22, stating it as Rs 680, which they claim is not a credible figure. Additionally, the LDF accuses Chandrasekhar of withholding information about his major holding company, Jupiter Capital, and only disclosing subsidiary companies, purportedly to obscure his actual assets.
Rajeev Chandrasekhar's candidacy is crucial for the BJP in Thiruvananthapuram, where he will face stiff competition from incumbent MP and senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor. Tharoor has enjoyed considerable success in the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat, having won it three times since 2009.
The Lok Sabha elections in Kerala are scheduled for the second phase on April 26, with the counting of votes set for June 4.