Following an unfortunate incident at a government hospital in Rajasthan, where a pregnant woman was denied admission and subsequently had to deliver her child near the hospital's entrance, the state government has taken action against three doctors for negligence.
Shubhra Singh, Additional Chief Secretary of Medical Education, stated that upon learning of the incident, the department promptly formed an inquiry committee to investigate the matter. Based on the committee's findings, three resident doctors from Kanwatia Hospital, identified as Kusum Saini, Neha Rajawat, and Manoj, were suspended due to their apparent negligence and insensitivity.
Furthermore, a show cause notice was issued to Dr. Rajendra Singh Tanwar, the Superintendent of Kanwatia Hospital, for his alleged supervisory negligence in the case.
The incident occurred on Wednesday when the pregnant woman was denied admission to the hospital despite experiencing labor pains. Consequently, she was compelled to deliver her child near the hospital's gate, highlighting the distressing consequences of the denied medical care.