In Rajasthan's Ajmer, a Class 12 student has alleged that she was denied the opportunity to take her board examination due to being a victim of gang rape. According to reports, the student claimed that school teachers informed her that her presence would disrupt the school environment and advised her to study at home instead.
The incident came to light after the victim reported it to the Child Welfare Committee. In her complaint, she stated that despite having appeared for the board exams four months earlier, she was not provided with an admit card by the school, effectively preventing her from participating in the examination.
Anjali Sharma, Chairperson of the Child Welfare Committee, confirmed receiving the complaint and stated that the victim's name was allegedly removed from the list of exam candidates by the school. Consequently, Sharma wrote to the District Education Officer, urging for strict action against the school and ensuring that the victim's academic progress remained unaffected.
Sharma revealed that the victim had taken her board exams in December of the previous year but was subsequently barred from participating in them due to the school's actions. The Committee has also coordinated with the District Legal Services Authority to ensure the victim receives legal assistance.
While the board examination has concluded, efforts are underway by the Child Welfare Committee to facilitate the victim's participation in the board's supplementary examination, aiming to mitigate any disruption to her academic pursuits.