Tragedy struck in Haryana's Mahendragarh district as six children lost their lives and approximately 15 others sustained injuries when a private school bus carrying them overturned. The incident occurred on Thursday, prompting the immediate arrest of the bus driver. Eyewitnesses reported suspicions of the driver being under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, leading to the decision to conduct a medical test.
The bus, which was transporting around 40 children, met with an unfortunate mishap at Unhani village in the district. Shockingly, the school remained open despite the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday, prompting questions about the decision to operate on a day off.
Further scrutiny revealed that the bus, belonging to GL Public School, had an expired fitness certificate dating back to 2018. Authorities assured that a thorough investigation into the accident's cause was underway.
Kanina DSP Mahendra Singh expressed determination to delve into why the school operated on a holiday and confirmed the driver's arrest. Plans are in place to conduct a medical examination on him to ascertain his condition at the time of the accident.
The incident drew a significant crowd to the site, with many expressing grief and concern over the tragic event.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah took to Twitter to express his sadness over the accident, extending heartfelt condolences to the grieving families and assuring that the administration was aiding the injured students.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini also conveyed his sorrow regarding the school bus accident, offering condolences to the families of the deceased children and pledging assistance to the injured.