Union Minister Smriti Irani didn't mince her words as she took a dig at Rahul Gandhi during a roadshow in Wayanad, Kerala, in support of BJP candidate K Surendran. Her remarks targeted Rahul Gandhi's candidature in Wayanad after losing Amethi, Uttar Pradesh, suggesting a pattern of "cheating" the electorate.
Highlighting her experience in Amethi, Irani emphasized the infrastructural developments brought about by the Modi government, contrasting them with the purported neglect during the Congress's long reign. She accused the Congress of exploiting familial ties to deceive voters, insinuating a similar strategy in Wayanad.
Irani's criticism extended beyond electoral tactics, touching upon alliances and ideological affiliations. She accused Rahul Gandhi of inconsistency, citing his temple visits in North India juxtaposed with alleged associations with controversial groups like the Popular Front of India (PFI) in Kerala. The mention of PFI sparked a broader debate on political alignments and the ethics of electoral alliances.
Furthermore, Irani questioned the unity within the opposition alliance, particularly regarding Rahul Gandhi's leadership and the disparity between political rhetoric and electoral strategies. Her remarks underscored broader political dynamics and ideological contestations within Indian politics.
In essence, Smriti Irani's comments in Wayanad reflect a multifaceted critique of Rahul Gandhi's political conduct, encompassing electoral strategies, ideological consistency, and alliance politics. They also highlight the BJP's determination to challenge the Congress scion in his new electoral bastion.