Forest authorities in Tamil Nadu's Cuddalore district took action against a fortune teller named Selvaraj for allegedly holding parrots in captivity. The move followed the circulation of a viral video online, wherein Selvaraj was seen predicting the electoral victory of Thangar Bachan, a candidate from the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) contesting in the Cuddalore constituency.
The fortune teller's sibling was also detained in connection with the incident.
In the video, Bachan solicited Selvaraj's prediction regarding his electoral success. Acting as per Selvaraj's instructions, a parrot emerged from its cage and selected cards depicting the deity the politician had worshipped earlier that day. Subsequently, Selvaraj proclaimed Bachan's triumph in the forthcoming elections. Delighted with the forecast, the PMK candidate rewarded the parrot with a banana.
As the video gained traction online, forest authorities intervened, apprehending both the fortune teller and his brother for the unlawful captivity of parrots. However, they were subsequently released with a cautionary warning.
This action was taken per Schedule 4 of the Wildlife Protection Act (1972), which prohibits the confinement of birds since they are classified as wild animals and thus receive protection under the legislation.