The Delhi High Court, in response to a petition seeking the removal of Arvind Kejriwal as Chief Minister of Delhi while he remains in Tihar Jail, stated that it was Kejriwal's personal decision whether to continue in his role as CM or not. This marks the second time the High Court has rejected such a petition.
The court emphasized that it is not within its jurisdiction to determine whether the government is functioning or not, and that it is the prerogative of constitutional authorities such as the Lieutenant Governor or the President to make such decisions. The bench highlighted that there is no precedent for a court to impose the President's rule or the Governor's rule.
The petitioner, Vishnu Gupta, withdrew the petition and expressed his intention to present his case before the Lieutenant Governor instead. The court reiterated that the Lieutenant Governor is fully competent to address such matters per the law.
This decision reaffirms the principle of separation of powers and underscores the role of constitutional authorities in matters related to governance and administration.