Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, suggesting that Modi has added the Right to Information Act (RTI) to his "alliance" following previous controversies involving the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Income Tax (IT) Department. Stalin's remarks came in response to PM Modi's recent comments regarding the Katchatheevu island controversy, where he accused the DMK of neglecting Tamil Nadu's interests and criticized the Congress for the decision to transfer the island to Sri Lanka.
Stalin questioned PM Modi's need to address the Katchatheevu issue in Uttar Pradesh and suggested that Modi's use of RTI was merely a gimmick to bolster his credibility. He emphasized the importance of defeating the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections for the sake of social justice and equality, asserting that both southern and northern states are poised to remove the BJP from power.
Furthermore, Stalin criticized PM Modi's claim of ignorance regarding the actions of the Enforcement Directorate, highlighting instances such as the arrest of former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, as well as the reversal of actions by the Income Tax Department in the Supreme Court after freezing the Congress party's accounts.
Regarding accusations against him concerning the term 'Dravidam', Stalin clarified that his opposition was against communalism rather than religion itself. He emphasized a stance against those who exploit religion to divide people, echoing the sentiments of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. He stressed that while they do not oppose the existence of temples, they oppose their misuse for divisive purposes. Overall, Stalin emphasized a commitment to combating communalism and promoting unity among people.