The Election Commission of India (ECI) has directed the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to investigate allegations of inconsistencies in the affidavit details submitted by Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Union minister and BJP candidate from Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat. This action follows a complaint filed by the Congress party, which raised concerns about discrepancies between Chandrasekhar's declared assets and his actual financial standing.
As per standard procedure, the Election Commission has requested the CBDT to thoroughly scrutinize the details provided in Chandrasekhar's affidavit. Any inconsistencies or falsifications in the affidavit are considered serious offenses under Section 125 A of the Representation of the People Act 1951. The law prescribes penalties, including imprisonment and fines, for concealing information in nomination papers or affidavits.
Both the Congress and the Left Front have alleged that Chandrasekhar misrepresented his financial status in the affidavit submitted for the current Lok Sabha elections. They claim that Chandrasekhar, who is known to be a billionaire, declared assets worth only Rs 36 crore in his affidavit, which they allege is significantly lower than his actual wealth.
Specifically, the complaint highlights apparent mistakes in Chandrasekhar's affidavit, such as listing shares/bonds/debentures holding as a liability (negative) and inconsistencies in the figures provided. The Congress has pointed out discrepancies between the declared figures of Rs 9 crore and Rs 13 crore in different sections of the affidavit.
In his affidavit filed for the current elections, Chandrasekhar declared movable assets worth over Rs 28 crore, with his spouse possessing assets valued at Rs 12.47 crore. These assets include cash, bank deposits, investments in financial instruments, and a vintage motorcycle, among other items. Additionally, Chandrasekhar's immovable assets include self-acquired property purchased at a value of Rs 5.26 crore, with a current market value estimated at Rs 14.4 crore.
Chandrasekhar's declared total income for the 2022-23 Income Tax return is Rs 5,59,200, while it was Rs 680 for the year 2021-22.