With Bhojpuri actor Pawan Singh's entry into the electoral fray in Karakat, the dynamics of the contest are set to shift. Previously, the race was seen as a straightforward battle between the Kushwaha candidates of the NDA and Mahagathbandhan. However, Pawan Singh's candidacy is likely to transform the contest into a triangular one.
Pawan Singh, who initially returned his BJP ticket from Asansol, has now announced his candidature from Karakat. His decision to contest the polls stems from a promise he made to his mother. Given his popularity as a Bhojpuri actor, especially among Bhojpuri-speaking voters in the region, Pawan Singh's entry adds a new dimension to the electoral landscape.
In Karakat, traditionally a Kushwaha stronghold, the NDA has fielded RLM's Upendra Kushwaha as its candidate, while Mahagathbandhan has nominated Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation leader Raja Ram Singh Kushwaha. Pawan Singh's candidacy is expected to challenge the dominance of the Kushwaha candidates, particularly among voters from the Rajput community, which constitutes a significant portion of the electorate.
The voter composition in Karakat reflects a diverse demographic, with Yadav, Kushwaha, Sawarn, and Muslim voters holding significant sway. While Yadav and Kushwaha voters are abundant, Pawan Singh's appeal among Rajput voters, who form the majority within the General quota, could alter the electoral dynamics.
Furthermore, linguistic considerations play a role in shaping voter preferences, with Bhojpuri-speaking voters in Rohtas district likely to rally behind Pawan Singh, while those in Aurangabad district, where Magahi is predominantly spoken, may have different inclinations.
The Karakat Lok Sabha constituency comprises three assembly seats from Rohtas district and three from Aurangabad, with the RJD securing five assembly seats and its ally, CPIML, clinching one during the last state assembly polls.
As the countdown to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections begins, the addition of Pawan Singh to the electoral mix in Karakat promises an intriguing contest, with the outcome likely to hinge on various factors, including community dynamics, linguistic considerations, and individual candidate appeal.