The Bengaluru Police arrested five individuals on Friday in connection with the assault on a man identified as Suresh, who works as an auditor with a private firm. Among the arrested were two colleagues of the auditor, who allegedly hired the assailants to carry out the attack, as per the police statement.
The arrest came after a video depicting the assault circulated widely on social media platforms. The video, captured by a car's dash camera, depicts the accused individuals beating Suresh with an iron rod on the ring road near Kalyan Nagar.
According to the police, Suresh is employed as an auditor with a milk product company in Bengaluru, where Umashankar and Vinesh, two of the arrested individuals, also worked alongside him.
Upon interrogation, the accused confessed to the assault, asserting that Suresh had exerted excessive pressure on them. Allegedly, Suresh, who joined the company a year ago, enforced strict auditing standards and pressured all employees to clear stock balances promptly.
Before Suresh's tenure, the accused individuals had been lax and delayed in clearing the balance, the police stated.
Reportedly, Suresh's actions led to confrontations with Umashankar and Vinesh, resulting in strict disciplinary actions against them. In retaliation, Umashankar sought assistance from a former colleague, who introduced him to Sandeep, another accused in the case.
Acting on Umashankar's instructions, Sandeep allegedly hired several assailants from KR Puram. They subsequently trailed Suresh and assaulted him with an iron rod, according to police reports.
Following the circulation of the video, the accused were apprehended by the police in the Hennur area.
The investigation into the incident is ongoing.