The police action came after receiving complaints about loud music being played in the area late at night. Bengaluru police have registered an FIR against Virat Kohli-owned One8 Commune pub and several other establishments on MG Road for operating beyond the stipulated time.
According to DCP Central, the pubs were found to be open until 1:30 am, whereas the permitted closing time is 1:00 am. The police took action after receiving complaints about loud music being played late at night. One8 Commune pub, located near the Chinnaswamy cricket stadium, is among the establishments booked for violating the rules.
"We received complaints of loud music also being played in the night. The investigation is ongoing, and further action will be taken accordingly," the police officer said.
Virat Kohli's One8 Commune has branches in other major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, and Kolkata. The Bengaluru branch, located on the sixth floor of Ratnam's Complex, was launched in December last year.
Last year, the restaurant chain was involved in a controversy after a man from Tamil Nadu posted a video on X (formerly Twitter) describing how he was denied entry into the Mumbai branch of One8 Commune for wearing a "veshti." The man expressed his disappointment and hurt over the incident.
Additionally, One8 Commune made headlines last year when the Delhi High Court restrained the restaurant chain from playing songs on which Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) holds the copyright.