Outrage over Shashi Tharoor's "memorable day" in Wayanad is aroused, and the BJP responds

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor faced considerable criticism online following his description of a visit to landslide-affected Wayanad as a "memorable day." Tharoor, the MP for Thiruvananthapuram, shared a video on social media showcasing his involvement in relief efforts in the disaster-stricken area. The video began with Tharoor unloading relief supplies from a truck, followed by scenes of him visiting relief camps and inspecting the damage.

Tharoor's caption, "Some memories of a memorable day in Wayanad," drew sharp rebukes from various quarters, including BJP leader Amit Malviya, who condemned the remark as callous. Malviya's response, "Deaths and disaster are memorable for Shashi Tharoor," encapsulated the general sentiment that Tharoor's choice of words was out of touch with the severity of the situation. The landslides, which occurred on July 30, had devastated villages in Meppadi, Mundakkai Town, and Chooralmala, with the death toll reaching 358 by Saturday. The destruction was so extensive that entire villages were wiped out.

The backlash to Tharoor's post was swift and widespread. Social media users criticized him for appearing to trivialize the tragedy. One user, Rae, highlighted the disconnect by stating, "More than 300 people have lost their lives and this Congress leader close to Rahul Gandhi is saying 'Memories and Memorable day.'" Another user, Anurag, added, "Meet elite MP Shashi Tharoor. He went to tragedy-hit Wayanad to have a 'memorable' day." These comments reflected a broader sentiment that Tharoor's framing of the visit as memorable was insensitive and inappropriate given the loss of life and widespread suffering.

Critics also argued that the emphasis on social media visibility detracted from the gravity of the situation. One user expressed frustration with the prioritization of social media engagement over genuine humanitarian efforts, remarking, "A memorable day in a disaster-struck area is marred by the obsession with social media. Sadly, posting about it has become more important than actually helping. Selfies are prioritized over selfless service."

In response to the disaster, the state's rescue operations have been ramped up with the use of advanced technology, including radars, drones, and heavy machinery, aimed at locating survivors and recovering bodies. The state government has also announced plans to establish a new township to house and rehabilitate the displaced individuals, as efforts continue to address the extensive damage caused by the landslides.


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