Clothes fall, cameras roll: Intimacy coordinators make reel sex realistic, safe

The rise of intimacy coordinators in the film industry reflects a growing understanding of the importance of handling intimate scenes with care and respect. These professionals have become indispensable in creating a safe and supportive environment on set, much like stunt coordinators are for action sequences. Their role is not just about choreographing intimate moments but also about ensuring that the actors' boundaries are respected and that everyone involved is clear on the expectations. This shift towards professionalism in handling intimate scenes has gained momentum in recent years, particularly after the #MeToo movement, which exposed widespread issues of sexual harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry.

Intimacy coordinators like Aastha Khanna Bhardwaj bring a nuanced approach to filming intimate scenes. With her experience on projects like *Gehraiyaan*, where the chemistry between actors Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi was crucial to the film's narrative, Aastha demonstrates how these professionals can significantly elevate the quality of such scenes. Her toolkit, which includes items like nipple patches, pubic wigs, non-arousal barriers, and strapless thongs, ensures that actors can perform intimate scenes while maintaining their comfort and dignity. These tools help simulate realism without crossing personal boundaries, allowing actors to fully commit to their roles without fear of discomfort or violation.

The process begins long before the cameras start rolling. Intimacy coordinators engage in detailed discussions with both actors and filmmakers to outline the specifics of each intimate scene. These conversations cover everything from the level of physical contact to the use of body doubles or prosthetics. The goal is to create a clear and mutual understanding of what will happen on set, removing any potential for ambiguity or last-minute surprises. This also involves establishing a nudity or intimacy rider in contracts, which explicitly details what each actor is comfortable with. For example, if an actor consents to a kissing scene in one part of the script, they are not automatically agreeing to additional similar scenes later unless it is clearly discussed and agreed upon.

The presence of intimacy coordinators is not only about protecting the actors but also the filmmakers. By ensuring that proper protocols are followed, coordinators reduce the risk of legal issues or bad press that could arise from mishandled intimate scenes. Directors and producers can focus on the artistic aspects of the film, knowing that the intimate scenes are being handled with professionalism and care. This is particularly important as audiences increasingly expect authenticity in films, and poorly executed intimate scenes can detract from the overall narrative or even spark controversy.

Historically, intimate scenes in Indian cinema were far more restrained. In the 70s and 80s, intimacy was often symbolized through metaphors such as flowers touching or birds flying together, avoiding direct depictions of physical closeness. By the 90s and early 2000s, Bollywood films like *Raja Hindustani* began including on-screen kisses, which were considered groundbreaking at the time. However, even then, discussions about the specifics of intimate scenes were rare, and actors were often left to navigate these moments on their own. The growing realism in modern cinema has pushed filmmakers to depict intimate moments more authentically, necessitating the introduction of intimacy coordinators to guide the process.

In Hollywood, the role of intimacy coordinators became more prominent after the #MeToo movement in 2018. The movement brought to light the pervasive issues of sexual misconduct and highlighted the need for safer working conditions, particularly in scenes involving physical intimacy. The presence of intimacy coordinators on set ensures that actors have an advocate who can help them navigate sensitive scenes without feeling pressured or uncomfortable. These coordinators work closely with actors to ensure they feel empowered to voice any concerns and set clear boundaries, fostering an environment of trust and respect.

US-based intimacy coordinator Laura Rikard explains that while the profession is relatively new, its principles have long been practiced informally by members of film crews, such as wardrobe teams and stunt coordinators, who would step in to ensure actors were comfortable during intimate scenes. However, the formalization of the role post-MeToo has provided a structured approach to handling these moments, offering both clarity and protection to actors. This change was spurred by the growing awareness that failing to address these issues could lead to significant legal and reputational risks for filmmakers.

In India, the Hema Committee Report, which investigated sexual abuse in the Malayalam film industry, further underscored the need for intimacy coordinators. The report detailed cases where actresses were forced to perform intimate scenes with individuals they had accused of sexual misconduct, resulting in emotional distress and professional setbacks. These revelations have made it clear that the Indian film industry, like Hollywood, must adopt more stringent measures to protect actors, particularly in scenes involving physical intimacy.

A typical day for an intimacy coordinator involves extensive preparation and communication. On the day of the shoot, coordinators remind actors of the pre-discussed choreography, ensuring that everyone is clear on the flow of the scene and the use of modesty garments or barriers. These rehearsals are often conducted on closed sets, with minimal crew present, to maintain privacy and create a safe space for the actors. The use of modesty garments, such as adhesive underwear and nipple patches, helps actors feel secure while performing scenes that require nudity or simulated sex. Additionally, hygiene products like mints, body sprays, and alcohol wipes are readily available to ensure that both the actors and the set are clean and comfortable.

The inclusion of prosthetics, such as pubic wigs or body doubles, further enhances the realism of these scenes without compromising the actors' boundaries. For example, Kubbra Sait’s use of prosthetic genitals in *Sacred Games* allowed her to perform a challenging scene while maintaining her personal comfort. Similarly, in shows like *Game of Thrones* and *House of the Dragon*, actors often used pubic wigs or prosthetic devices to create a more realistic depiction of intimate moments without exposing themselves to unnecessary discomfort or risk.

The role of intimacy coordinators is becoming increasingly mainstream in Indian cinema, where filmmakers are embracing more realistic portrayals of relationships and intimacy. By providing actors with the support they need to perform these scenes safely, coordinators like Aastha are helping to elevate the quality of storytelling while ensuring that the film set remains a respectful and professional environment. As the industry continues to evolve, the presence of intimacy coordinators will likely become as integral to the filmmaking process as stunt coordinators or production designers, ensuring that intimacy is handled with the care and precision it deserves.


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