Actor Ravi Kishan couldn't contain his joy and excitement over *Laapataa Ladies* being chosen as India's official entry for the Oscars 2025. In an exclusive interview, the actor described the moment as surreal and a proud milestone in his career. He reflected on his experience working on the film, which he believes showcases "the real India" and delves into the deeply resonant theme of women empowerment. Directed by Kiran Rao and produced by Aamir Khan, the film edged out 28 other contenders to secure its spot as India’s submission in the highly prestigious Best International Feature Film category at the Oscars.
Ravi, who is not only an acclaimed actor but also a Member of Parliament (MP) representing Gorakhpur, expressed how personal this achievement felt to him. "This is beyond just a film nomination—it’s a symbol of what India truly is. It represents the heart and soul of our country. Women empowerment is central to the story, and it reflects the struggles and resilience of Indian women in a way that feels authentic. For me, this is the biggest news of my life. I’ve been getting non-stop calls from well-wishers, and I couldn’t be more thrilled."
He further added, "To me, this is more than just an Oscar entry. It’s a reflection of Bharat, of real people, real struggles, and real stories. The film has captured something so genuine that it resonates universally. I have no doubt it will win big at the Oscars and make all of us proud."
In *Laapataa Ladies*, Ravi Kishan plays the character of Shyam Manohar, a diligent and earnest cop tasked with resolving the chaos caused by the disappearance of two young brides in a rural Indian village. His portrayal earned him widespread acclaim, with audiences praising his nuanced and authentic performance. Ravi shared that this role was particularly special, not only because of its significance but also because of the personal challenges he faced while balancing his acting career with his political responsibilities.
Recalling his shooting experience, Ravi shared, "The shooting conditions were tough, especially during the hot weather. I was frequently traveling between Parliament sessions and the film set. It was exhausting, but worth every moment. I still remember Kiran Rao being a bit apprehensive about working with a politician. She thought I might come with certain demands or throw tantrums, but once we started, she realized how committed I was. Kiran is one of the most patient and creative directors I’ve worked with, and the entire process was smooth and full of camaraderie."
Ravi went on to reveal that Aamir Khan had originally shown interest in playing his character. "Aamir had considered taking on the role of Shyam Manohar, but Kiran ji had a different vision and wanted me for it. I am so thankful to both of them for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. Aamir was not just a producer but a strong guiding force throughout the project. The bond between the cast and crew was truly special."
He continued to shower praise on Kiran Rao, saying, "She is the real captain of this ship. The way she worked with her writers, shaping the film, and focusing on the little details that make a huge impact—that’s what makes *Laapataa Ladies* stand out. There were only a few central characters, but everything revolved around them so beautifully. It’s a masterpiece of storytelling."
The film, which also stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, and Sparsh Shrivastava, was initially released in theaters on March 1, 2024, but gained much wider recognition after its release on Netflix in April. It quickly became a favorite, resonating with viewers both in India and abroad. For Ravi, the Netflix release marked a turning point in the film’s journey. "The response on Netflix was phenomenal. Suddenly, people from all corners of the world were watching it, and the conversations around the film exploded. That kind of exposure really helped build momentum for the film, and I think it played a big role in getting us to where we are now—on the brink of representing India at the Oscars."
When asked about the global impact *Laapataa Ladies* could have, Ravi was optimistic. "The story is universal, and it speaks to issues that resonate with everyone—family, identity, empowerment, and the challenges of rural life. The fact that it's rooted in India makes it unique, but its themes are ones that anyone can relate to. I believe this film will connect with audiences worldwide and bring home the Oscar. It’s a celebration of India, and I’m so proud to be a part of it."
Ravi Kishan’s excitement was palpable as he closed the interview, "This nomination isn’t just about us—it’s about every Indian who has dreamed of seeing our stories celebrated on a global platform. We are taking *Laapataa Ladies* to the world, and I am confident that we will make India proud."