Actor-comedian Sunil Grover recently opened up about his reunion with Kapil Sharma for the upcoming Netflix show, *The Great Indian Kapil Show*. This marks a notable moment for fans of both comedians, as it follows a long period of separation after a much-publicized fallout in 2017. The dispute reportedly happened on a flight back to India from an Australian tour, leading to a strained relationship between Grover and Sharma. Despite this, Grover pointed out that their professional paths had crossed at various events and social gatherings over the years, even if they hadn't collaborated on a project.
In an engaging interview with India Today Digital, Sunil Grover expressed his enthusiasm and joy about reuniting with Kapil Sharma. He described the experience as highly enjoyable, saying, "We are having a lot of fun working together. We are laughing a lot and making others laugh too. Our priority is to make our fans happy and keep entertaining them." Grover acknowledged Netflix's role in facilitating their comeback together and expressed hope that this collaboration will become a regular feature moving forward.
Grover also delved into the dynamics of working on the show. He compared the shooting process to a live play, emphasizing the organic nature of the performances. Unlike scripted fiction projects where multiple takes are possible, *The Great Indian Kapil Show* involves real-time improvisation and spontaneous humor. Grover noted, “The show is not like a fiction project where you can take any number of takes. It’s more like a play where everything is organic. Everyone is involved with each other’s performance and enjoys the same too.” He recounted how there are often moments during filming when he or other actors are unable to contain their laughter, which only adds to the overall fun and spontaneity of the show.
In a light-hearted addition to the interview, Archana Puran Singh mentioned how Krushna Abhishek's laughter often triggers uncontrollable laughter from Parmeet Sethi, resulting in amusing moments that the cast finds entertaining. Singh shared, “We actually pause the television to watch him laugh.”
The show, which also features Kiku Sharda and Rajiv Thakur, promises to deliver the signature humor and charm that has made Kapil Sharma's previous shows so popular. *The Great Indian Kapil Show* is set to premiere on Netflix on September 21, 2024. Fans can look forward to a blend of comedic sketches, improvisational humor, and the much-anticipated chemistry between Sharma and Grover.