In a strategic move for the upcoming Maharashtra assembly elections, Shiv Sena, led by Eknath Shinde, announced a fresh list of 15 candidates, including prominent BJP leader Shaina NC. Initially fielded from Mumbai’s Mumbadevi seat on a BJP ticket, Shaina switched to Shiv Sena, citing her commitment to serve the city and gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Eknath Shinde, and other leaders for the opportunity. The 51-year-old, who has been active in Mumbai’s civic landscape, stated her goal is not only to represent the constituency but to be a “voice” for the citizens, focusing on issues like development, hygiene, and public spaces. She emphasized her dedication to accessibility and accountability, adding that she handles her constituents' concerns personally and is committed to staying approachable.
Shaina, a fashion designer turned politician, initially aspired to contest from the Worli constituency, but that seat was given to Shiv Sena's Rajya Sabha MP Milind Deora, who is now set to face Uddhav Thackeray’s son, Aaditya Thackeray, of the Shiv Sena (UBT). Shaina plans to visit the Mumba Devi Temple before filing her nomination as a gesture of commitment to the city.
Alongside Shaina, Sanjana Jadhav, the daughter of BJP leader Raosaheb Danve, also shifted to Shiv Sena after initially being nominated on a BJP ticket for the Kannad Assembly seat. This shift in allegiance underscores a collaborative strategy within the Mahayuti alliance, particularly as other coalition members, such as the Jan Surajya Shakti Party’s Ashokrao Mane and Rajendra Yedraokar from Rajarshi Shahu Vikas Aghadi, have been fielded from Hatkanangle and Shirol seats.
The Mahayuti alliance’s candidate announcements are part of a larger strategy in the build-up to Maharashtra’s single-phase election on November 20. The state, which has 288 assembly seats, will see its results declared on November 23. This alliance aims to consolidate its support and counter the challenges posed by rival factions, particularly the coalition led by Uddhav Thackeray’s Shiv Sena (UBT).