Actors Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda, who have been at the center of dating rumors for quite some time, were recently seen enjoying a quiet lunch together. Although the couple refrained from posting any pictures of their time together, an onlooker managed to capture a candid moment that has since gone viral. In the photo, Rashmika is seen enjoying her meal in a casual blue tank top, while Vijay, who sat across from her, sported a blue jacket and a bucket hat. The picture is reportedly from the time Vijay was shooting for his upcoming film VD 12 in Sri Lanka.
Despite the ongoing rumors about their relationship, Rashmika and Vijay have consistently remained tight-lipped about their personal lives, offering only subtle hints about their bond. Recently, Vijay made a candid statement during an interview with Curly Tales, where he indirectly confirmed he was in a relationship. When asked about his single status, Vijay responded, "I am 35 years old; you think I will be single?" This statement, coupled with his admission about dating a co-star, fueled further speculation about his relationship status. He also emphasized that he values building a strong friendship before entering a romantic relationship, explaining, "I don't go out on dates. I go out only after a long time of knowing someone, after building a friendship."
Vijay also touched on the topic of love, stating that while he knows what it feels like to love and be loved, he doesn’t believe in unconditional love. He said, "I know what it feels like to be loved, and I know what it is to love. I don't know unconditional love because my love comes with expectations, so clearly my love isn't unconditional. I feel everything is over-romanticized." This introspective comment reflected his view on love and relationships, and the actor expressed his uncertainty about whether unconditional love is even a realistic expectation.
On the topic of marriage, Vijay shared his thoughts on how it shouldn't interfere with a person's career. He said, "Marriage doesn't have to come in between someone's career. Marriage is harder on women. It also depends on the profession you are in." His comments shed light on his perspective regarding the balance between personal and professional lives.
As for their professional lives, Rashmika is set to reprise her iconic role as Srivalli in the much-anticipated film Pushpa: The Rule, which is slated to release on December 5. The film’s release is highly awaited by fans, especially after the massive success of Pushpa: The Rise. On the other hand, Vijay Deverakonda is currently busy shooting for VD 12, his upcoming project directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, known for his work on Jersey. The movie has generated a lot of buzz, and fans are eagerly awaiting more updates about it.
Despite keeping their personal lives private, the chemistry between Rashmika and Vijay has always been evident, both on and off the screen. Whether or not they choose to officially acknowledge their relationship, it’s clear that they share a strong connection that has fans rooting for them both personally and professionally.