The recent intrusion at Bollywood actor Salman Khan's shooting location in Mumbai’s Zone 5 has reignited concerns about his ongoing security threats. The incident occurred late Wednesday night in Dadar, where an unidentified man, claiming links to gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, managed to enter the set. Salman Khan was present during the incident, prompting swift action from his team and law enforcement. Crew members reportedly noticed the suspicious individual and immediately alerted authorities, who quickly intervened to neutralize any potential threat. While the man’s intentions remain unclear, his mention of Lawrence Bishnoi—a notorious gangster with a long-standing feud against Khan—has heightened alarm among both the actor’s team and law enforcement agencies.
This episode is the latest in a string of threats and security breaches involving Salman Khan, whose troubles with the Bishnoi gang stem from the controversial 1998 blackbuck poaching case. Khan is accused of hunting and killing two blackbucks, animals considered sacred by the Bishnoi community. Although the case remains under judicial review, Lawrence Bishnoi has publicly vowed revenge, declaring Salman as a target of his community’s wrath. Over the years, this feud has manifested in multiple threats, including an April incident when two gunmen fired five shots near Salman’s residence in Bandra, creating a serious security scare.
The threats have intensified in recent months. In October, a vegetable vendor from Jamshedpur was arrested for allegedly issuing death threats to Salman Khan and demanding a ransom of Rs 5 crore. Shortly after, an anonymous caller demanded Rs 2 crore from the actor, further claiming to be linked to Bishnoi’s network. In November, another alarming call surfaced from an individual claiming to be Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother, warning Khan to either publicly apologize at a temple for the blackbuck incident or pay Rs 5 crore as ransom.
Mumbai Police have responded to these escalating threats by significantly enhancing Salman Khan’s security. The actor now has Y+ category protection, ensuring round-the-clock personal security by trained officers. Additionally, a robust police presence has been stationed outside his Galaxy Apartments residence in Bandra. Cutting-edge measures, including AI-enabled high-resolution CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, have been installed at strategic locations to monitor and deter potential threats.
This latest incident at the shooting site highlights the persistent danger surrounding Salman Khan despite the comprehensive security protocols in place. Authorities are taking no chances, maintaining a high level of vigilance to protect the actor from any potential harm. The continued association of Lawrence Bishnoi’s name with these threats has further complicated matters, underscoring the need for sustained efforts to neutralize such risks. The situation serves as a stark reminder of the complexities involved in safeguarding high-profile public figures, particularly when they become embroiled in longstanding disputes with powerful and dangerous adversaries.