During a lively press conference on Wednesday, Maharashtra's outgoing Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and senior Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Ajit Pawar shared a series of playful exchanges that added a humorous tone to the otherwise politically charged atmosphere. Shinde, when asked about his potential role in the Devendra Fadnavis-led government, opted for a cryptic response, saying, “Wait till evening…” This vague statement only fueled curiosity, as reporters speculated on his next move.
In response to the question about whether he and Pawar would swear in as deputies under Fadnavis on December 5, Ajit Pawar seized the moment to inject some humor. With a light-hearted remark, he said, “Sham tak unka samaj aayega (We will know about Shinde by evening). I will take it (the oath); I will not wait.” His comment, delivered with typical wit, not only had the room chuckling but also set the stage for an exchange of banter between the two political veterans.
Shinde, ever ready with a comeback, joined in on the fun. He responded, “Dada (Ajit Pawar) has experience of taking oaths both in the morning and evening.” This was a playful reference to the 2019 Maharashtra political crisis, when Pawar, in a surprise move, took the oath as Deputy Chief Minister under Devendra Fadnavis in the early hours of the day. This brief and controversial BJP-NCP alliance lasted only a few days before collapsing, making Pawar's “morning oath” a memorable and humorous chapter in Maharashtra's political history.
The exchange, though filled with humor, was a reminder of the complex and often unpredictable nature of Maharashtra's politics. Shinde’s coyness and Pawar’s quick wit demonstrated their longstanding rapport and comfort with each other, even as they maneuvered through the shifting political landscape. The playful remarks also underscored the fact that political drama in Maharashtra continues to unfold, with new developments emerging daily.
Both Shinde and Pawar’s comments, while amusing, also hinted at the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the state’s political future. The stakes are high, as the next few days could determine who ultimately assumes power and how the state government will be shaped, yet in that moment, both leaders were able to lighten the mood with their friendly rivalry and sharp sense of humor.
The press conference, while offering glimpses of camaraderie between the two leaders, also raised questions about the intricacies of Maharashtra's political power struggle. As Shinde and Pawar continue to play their cards, the question of whether Shinde will join Fadnavis’s government remains open, leaving the state’s political scene in suspense. Yet, in a state where political alliances shift frequently, one thing seems certain: the humor-filled exchanges between Shinde and Pawar will likely continue to keep the public entertained as the political drama unfolds.