Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal escalated his attack on the BJP and Congress on Saturday after the Lieutenant Governor (LG) ordered an investigation into the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) proposed welfare schemes. The probe was initiated following a complaint by Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit, sparking a political storm in the run-up to the Delhi Assembly elections. Addressing a packed press conference, Kejriwal accused both parties of working in tandem to obstruct AAP’s welfare initiatives, which he claimed are designed to uplift women and the elderly.
Kejriwal did not hold back, directly targeting both the BJP and Congress for what he called a “coordinated conspiracy” to derail AAP’s electoral promises. “The BJP lacked the courage to act openly, so they used Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit as a front to file the complaint. This is clear evidence that the Congress and BJP are collaborating to stop AAP,” Kejriwal asserted. This marks a significant shift in Kejriwal’s rhetoric, as it is the first time he has accused both parties of being in collusion against his party.
Highlighting AAP’s promises, Kejriwal reiterated his commitment to providing Rs 2,100 to eligible women and free medical treatment to senior citizens above 60 years of age. “These are transformative schemes that have already gained overwhelming public support, with lakhs of people registering. This massive response has unnerved the BJP,” he said, emphasizing that AAP’s focus remains on delivering public welfare.
The LG’s probe into the proposed schemes raised several allegations, including:
- AAP’s announcement of providing Rs 2,100 to women voters, which some critics claim is an attempt to influence the electorate.
- Allegations that intelligence officers from Punjab were operating at the residences of Congress candidates in Delhi.
- Claims that cash was being transported from Punjab to Delhi as part of election-related activities.
Kejriwal dismissed these allegations as baseless and politically motivated, arguing that the schemes in question are merely electoral promises and have not yet been implemented. “What is there to investigate? These are commitments we’ve made for after we win the elections. The BJP is trying to sabotage these initiatives because they know they cannot compete with our vision for Delhi’s future,” he said.
The AAP chief also accused the BJP of using underhanded tactics to disrupt AAP’s voter outreach programs. He alleged that BJP leaders had sent “goons” to disrupt registration camps for the Mahila Samman Card and Sanjeevani Yojna and that the Delhi Police was being used to halt the process. “The BJP doesn’t want the welfare of women and the elderly. They are anti-women and anti-progress. If they come to power, they will scrap all these schemes and make Delhi unlivable,” Kejriwal warned.
In an emotionally charged moment, Kejriwal vowed to continue fighting for Delhi’s residents, even if it meant facing imprisonment. “If they send me to jail, I will go again, but I will not stop fighting for the people of Delhi. Trust your Kejriwal, and continue registering for these welfare schemes,” he urged voters.
Kejriwal also accused the BJP of contesting the elections solely to derail AAP’s initiatives and claimed that their sole agenda is to “stop everything” beneficial for the public. “If you vote for the BJP, you will have to leave Delhi. They have no vision for governance and only want to disrupt progress,” he said.
The escalating war of words comes at a time when political tensions in Delhi are reaching a fever pitch. All major parties are ramping up their campaigns ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, scheduled for early 2024. The stakes are particularly high, as the outcome of these elections could set the tone for broader national politics.
Meanwhile, Kejriwal’s opponents have seized upon the allegations to question AAP’s integrity, with BJP and Congress leaders accusing him of using welfare schemes as a tool for electoral gains. However, Kejriwal remains steadfast, positioning himself as a leader dedicated to public welfare and urging Delhiites to support AAP’s vision for a more inclusive and equitable future.
As the political drama unfolds, Delhi’s residents find themselves at the center of a heated battle for votes, with each party vying to position itself as the true champion of the people. Kejriwal’s fiery rhetoric and promises of sweeping welfare reforms have added fuel to the fire, ensuring that the coming weeks will be pivotal in shaping the capital’s political landscape.