Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced movie mogul, was hospitalized on Monday, December 2, after an "alarming blood test" result, according to a statement from his attorney, Imran Ansari. The 72-year-old was transported to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan for urgent medical care following the test, which indicated that he required immediate attention. Ansari emphasized that the situation was critical, stating that Weinstein would remain at the hospital until his condition stabilizes.
Weinstein’s legal team has also raised concerns about his medical care in jail, asserting that his deprivation of necessary treatment constitutes both medical malpractice and a violation of his constitutional rights. This statement follows a legal claim filed by Weinstein just days earlier, where he alleged that he was not receiving adequate medical attention while incarcerated at New York City’s jail complex. His transfer to Bellevue Hospital was a direct response to the situation, as the prison's medical facilities were deemed unable to handle the emergent nature of his condition.
A spokesperson for the New York City Department of Correction has not yet responded to inquiries about the case. However, the department's inmate database has confirmed Weinstein's transfer from Rikers Island to Bellevue Hospital’s prison ward in Manhattan.
Weinstein has been in custody for much of 2024 after the New York Court of Appeals overturned his 2020 conviction for rape. The decision led to a retrial, which is now scheduled for 2025. Despite the legal proceedings, Weinstein continues to deny all allegations of sexual misconduct, maintaining his innocence. His hospitalization marks another chapter in the ongoing legal and medical struggles he faces while awaiting the retrial.