WhatsApp is working on a new feature that could greatly improve the customer support experience for users, particularly for those encountering issues with the platform. As one of the most widely used messaging apps worldwide, WhatsApp’s customer support options have traditionally been quite limited. Currently, users can only access a Help Centre with frequently asked questions (FAQs) or submit issues through the "Contact Us" option on the web app. In most cases, any follow-up support is automated and handled by AI-powered agents, making it a less personal and sometimes frustrating process for users seeking resolutions.
However, according to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is experimenting with a new feature that will allow users to directly interact with human agents via the web app. The feature, currently being tested, is expected to integrate a "Chat With Us" option in the help section of the desktop app. This would represent a significant step toward improving customer support on the platform by giving users a seamless way to escalate their issues from AI-driven responses to live human agents.
The goal of this new feature is to shorten response times and provide a more tailored and effective customer support experience by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to triage initial queries before redirecting them to human agents when necessary. This process would ensure that users can get more personalized help, making the overall experience more efficient and convenient.
While WhatsApp currently offers a support mechanism through automated channels, many users find it inconvenient to have to rely on AI chatbots for issue resolution. If this new feature is rolled out successfully, it could bring WhatsApp's support system more in line with services provided by other companies like banks, where customers can directly contact human agents if their problem isn’t resolved through automated channels.
This move could be especially beneficial for users in regions like India, where customer service calls are a common method for resolving issues with other products and services. Having direct access to human support via WhatsApp’s web app could provide a much-needed convenience for those facing technical issues, ensuring that problems are handled quickly and efficiently.
This development is still in the testing phase, but if implemented, it could mark a significant improvement in how WhatsApp handles customer queries and support.