Disney has unveiled the official trailer for its live-action reimagining of Snow White, which is set to be released in cinemas on March 21, 2025. The film is directed by Marc Webb, renowned for his work on The Amazing Spider-Man, and marks a fresh interpretation of the beloved 1937 animated classic. Produced by Marc Platt and Jared LeBoff, the duo behind the spectacular stage production of Wicked, the film promises to blend elements of Disney’s iconic animation with a modern, cinematic twist, all while retaining the enchanting and timeless spirit of the original story.
The newly released trailer offers a tantalizing preview of the grandeur and scale of this much-anticipated film. Fans are given a glimpse of the seven dwarfs—Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy—who are integral to the plot. While they remain true to their classic personas, it seems the live-action version will add a new layer of depth and complexity to their characters, creating a dynamic and engaging ensemble. The film showcases not just the dwarfs, but also the vibrant and magical world Snow White inhabits, with elaborate sets, breathtaking landscapes, and sweeping cinematography that evokes a sense of wonder.
Taking center stage in the role of Snow White is Rachel Zegler, whose casting as the iconic princess has generated significant excitement. Zegler, known for her breakout role in Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story, brings a fresh energy and emotional depth to Snow White, ensuring the character remains both timeless and relevant for modern audiences. As Snow White, Zegler’s portrayal is expected to convey the innocence, kindness, and bravery that have made the character so beloved throughout the years.
In a compelling twist, Gal Gadot has been cast as the Evil Queen, Snow White’s stepmother, one of Disney's most iconic villains. Known for her powerhouse performances, particularly as Wonder Woman, Gadot’s portrayal of the Evil Queen promises to be a captivating blend of elegance, menace, and complexity. Her performance will likely bring a darker, more nuanced interpretation to the character, adding an extra layer of gravitas to the story.
The music is another element that has fans eagerly anticipating the film. The live-action Snow White will feature original songs written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the talented duo behind the award-winning music of La La Land and The Greatest Showman. Their involvement guarantees a rich, emotionally charged soundtrack that will not only enhance the narrative but also elevate the emotional moments throughout the film. The score is expected to be both sweeping and intimate, perfectly complementing the film's epic scale while resonating with the heart of the classic story.
The screenplay for this live-action retelling has been penned by Greta Gerwig, the visionary director behind Barbie, and Erin Cressida Wilson, who previously worked on The Girl on the Train. Their collaborative effort ensures that the story will have a modern sensibility, while also staying true to the essence of the original tale. Gerwig’s signature playful and subversive style, combined with Wilson’s sharp writing, could give the film an added layer of depth, exploring the characters’ motivations and relationships in new ways.
With such a remarkable creative team, Snow White is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated releases of 2025. The film promises to bring fresh life to the beloved fairy tale, blending classic themes with contemporary sensibilities, all while remaining true to the magic that has made Snow White an enduring part of Disney’s legacy. Fans will undoubtedly be thrilled to see this reimagined version of the story on the big screen, and with the incredible performances, stunning visuals, and unforgettable music, Snow White is poised to be a cinematic experience like no other.