The tragic incident in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, where a 24-year-old man, Arshad, allegedly murdered his mother and four sisters, has shocked the community. The murders reportedly stemmed from a family dispute and fears over their safety, as revealed in Arshad’s recorded confession.
Arshad allegedly spiked the family’s food and alcohol with intoxicants before carrying out the act, leaving slash wounds on their wrists. The victims, identified as his mother, Asma, and his sisters aged 9, 16, 18, and 19, had been staying at the hotel since December 30. The crime scene, soaked in blood, painted a grim picture of the tragic events.
In his confession video, Arshad claimed that neighbors in Agra were targeting the family’s property and intended to traffic his sisters to Hyderabad, prompting him to take this drastic action to "protect" them. However, the motive remains under investigation, as police work to confirm the accuracy of these claims. The involvement of Arshad’s father, Badar, has added complexity to the case. Currently, at large, Badar is also being treated as a suspect, and authorities have launched a search to locate him.
According to Raveena Tyagi, a senior police official in Lucknow, both Arshad and his father consumed alcohol before the incident. Arshad allegedly served alcohol to his mother and sisters as part of his plan. Forensic teams have since collected DNA samples and secured the crime scene for further analysis. The bodies of the victims have been sent for post-mortem examinations.
While the police investigate, the Samajwadi Party has expressed sorrow over the tragedy, with spokesperson Fakhrul Hasan Chand citing unemployment, stress, and poverty as possible underlying factors. The incident underscores the devastating consequences of unresolved family disputes and the potential influence of socio-economic pressures on mental health.
The investigation is ongoing, with authorities promising to release more details as they uncover the full extent of the motives and circumstances surrounding the murders.