With the highly-anticipated return of Paatal Lok for its second season, director Avinash Arun shared insightful reflections on his bond with actor Jaideep Ahlawat, who plays the central role of Hathi Ram Chaudhary. In an exclusive conversation with India Today Digital, Arun opened up about how his longstanding friendship with Jaideep made him the perfect choice for the role, even before production for the series began.
Their journey together goes back to 2006 when Arun first met Jaideep during the shoot of a diploma film. The director reminisced about the early days of their friendship, which laid the foundation for a strong professional relationship. Arun spoke fondly about Jaideep’s remarkable transformation as an actor, recounting their first professional collaboration in Mumbai on a film directed by Prashant Nayak. Arun noted how, even before Paatal Lok came into the picture, he had already seen Jaideep’s potential in roles such as Tryst, which had impressed him greatly.
"I was amazed—there was a complete transformation in him," Arun recalled, describing Jaideep's growth as an actor. Arun continued, “I remember during the shoot of Tryst, Sudeep Sharma called me for Paatal Lok. I read the script and immediately said yes. Interestingly, even before production began, Sudeep told me that he only wanted Jaideep for the role of Hathi Ram Chaudhary. There was no second option. I was very excited because Jaideep is a friend, and I was thrilled to see him take on such a significant role."
Arun reflected on the challenges of working with long-format content, a new experience for him during the first season of Paatal Lok. He described the initial process of crafting the show as a learning experience for everyone involved, given that showmaking was still in its early stages at the time. "In season 1, it was the first time I was working on long-format content, as showmaking had just started back then. I wasn’t entirely sure how things worked, so everyone learned on the job," he shared. He also credited Sudeep Sharma, the creator of Paatal Lok, for his dedication to the show, stating that it took him around four years—spanning from writing to shooting to post-production—to bring the series to life.
Arun highlighted the similarities between the first and second seasons in terms of challenges. Despite gaining experience, the difficulties of shooting under time constraints, especially during harsh winters, were a constant hurdle. "The challenges are quite similar," Arun said. "You develop a different relationship with time while shooting because every day, you need to complete 5-6 pages within a limited schedule. This time, we were shooting during peak winters, and daylight was limited to just 9.5 to 10 hours. Everything had to be wrapped up within that window."
Despite these constraints, Arun credits the success of Paatal Lok for fueling his creative ambition. He discussed how, despite structured budgets and limited flexibility for contingencies, the success of the first season only spurred further creative efforts for the second season. "Budgets were also very structured, with little room for contingencies. You’d think the success of the first season would change that, but ambition grows along with success. I feel like budgets are never enough, but in a way, that’s good because it fuels creativity," he shared.
Arun also expressed how the collaboration with the cast and crew, especially Jaideep, has grown over time. "What Jaideep brings to the table as an actor is exceptional. He doesn’t just act the role; he embodies it. Over the years, I’ve seen his growth from someone who was extremely talented to someone who now commands a presence on screen. It’s been amazing to watch," Arun added.
As the production of Paatal Lok Season 2 continued, Arun also spoke about the evolution of the storytelling process. "We have worked very hard to ensure that season 2 has even more depth. It is not just about the plot but the intricacies of character development. We’re exploring more complex themes this time around. There’s a lot more at stake, and every character, including Hathi Ram, is going through different personal journeys," Arun said, teasing the exciting new layers added to the series.
With the added pressure of surpassing the success of the first season, Arun shared that the stakes were higher this time. However, he believes that this challenge has only made the team more determined. "The first season set a very high bar for us. We’ve had to be more innovative in our approach to keep the viewers engaged. The kind of love we received from the audience was overwhelming, and that only pushed us to deliver an even better story this time."
As fans eagerly await the release of Paatal Lok season 2, which is set to premiere on January 17 on Prime Video, Arun’s reflections provide an intriguing behind-the-scenes look at the hard work and dedication that went into crafting the next chapter of the gripping crime thriller. With Jaideep Ahlawat returning to reprise his role as Hathi Ram Chaudhary, the second season promises to deliver another compelling and intense narrative, drawing audiences deeper into the dark, layered world of Paatal Lok. The success of the series has already cemented its place in the Indian television landscape, and with season 2, it aims to capture even more of the audience’s attention.