West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed her displeasure and took swift action when she learned that the Kolkata Police band was initially denied entry to the Raj Bhavan during the Republic Day celebrations on Sunday. The incident unfolded as two bands from the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) were performing inside the Governor's House while the Kolkata Police band waited outside, unable to join the event. This exclusion of the local police band, which has traditionally performed at the Republic Day celebrations each year, did not sit well with the Chief Minister.
Upon her arrival at the event, Banerjee was informed of the situation, which prompted her to personally walk to the gate where the Kolkata Police band had been stopped. Visibly upset, she engaged with Raj Bhavan officials, demanding an explanation and insisting that the band be permitted to perform as part of the celebrations. Banerjee, known for her assertiveness and commitment to upholding state traditions, made it clear that she would not tolerate such oversight or exclusion.
Speaking to the media about the issue, Banerjee expressed her frustration, questioning the decision to leave out the Kolkata Police band. "Every year, the Kolkata Police band performs at this event. Why were they not allowed inside this time? This is completely unacceptable," she said. She emphasized that she had no objections to the SSB bands participating but was adamant that excluding the Kolkata Police band was both unnecessary and disrespectful to the city's traditions. "It is very bad, and I am deeply disappointed by this decision," she remarked.
Following her intervention, the matter was quickly resolved, and the Raj Bhavan officials allowed the Kolkata Police band to enter the Governor's House and perform as planned. The band’s eventual participation brought a sense of completion to the celebrations, restoring the traditional atmosphere that has been an integral part of such state functions.
The incident has since drawn attention to maintaining established customs during significant events like Republic Day. Banerjee's prompt action underscored her commitment to protecting the cultural identity and traditions of West Bengal, ensuring that the contributions of local institutions like the Kolkata Police are recognized and respected. Her decisive response also highlighted her dedication to inclusivity and fairness, a quality that has often defined her leadership style.
The matter has sparked discussions about protocol and coordination at high-profile events, with many praising Banerjee's proactive approach in addressing the situation. As the Chief Minister, her insistence on upholding the dignity of state institutions and traditions resonated with many, showcasing her deep-rooted commitment to West Bengal’s heritage.