Pushpa 2: The Rule continues to break records even over a month after its release, cementing its place in Indian cinematic history. The film, which stars Allu Arjun in the lead role, has grossed an incredible Rs 1,831 crore worldwide, including Rs 1,438 crore in India. This achievement has allowed the film to surpass Baahubali 2: The Conclusion—which held the record for the highest-grossing Indian film for over eight years—making Pushpa 2 the new leader in Indian box office history.
Released on 5 December with paid premieres on 4 December, the film exceeded even the most optimistic projections. The first week alone brought in a staggering Rs 725.8 crore, followed by Rs 264.8 crore in its second week, Rs 129.5 crore in its third week, and Rs 69.65 crore in its fourth week. By the end of its fifth week, the film had amassed Rs 1,208.7 crore in domestic collections alone.
The success of Pushpa 2 is particularly noteworthy in the context of its strong performance across both its Hindi and Telugu versions. The Hindi version has contributed Rs 793.2 crore to the total earnings, while the Telugu version has brought in Rs 335.41 crore. This widespread appeal across languages showcases the film’s broad reach, which has resonated with audiences in diverse regions.
The film's triumph has further reinforced the growing influence of Telugu cinema on the national stage, and the immense popularity of Allu Arjun's character, Pushpa, has made him a household name beyond the Telugu-speaking population. His portrayal of a member of the sandalwood mafia battling both external and internal forces has captured the imagination of audiences, contributing to the film’s record-breaking run at the box office.
Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2 is the sequel to the 2021 blockbuster Pushpa: The Rise, which introduced audiences to the world of Pushpa Raj. The sequel picks up from where the first film left off, with Pushpa continuing his rise to power in the dangerous world of the sandalwood mafia while dealing with growing law enforcement pressures. The gripping storyline, intense action sequences, and high-octane drama have all played a part in keeping audiences hooked.
The film’s success has also been marred by a tragic incident during its release. A stampede broke out in Hyderabad, leading to injuries for a nine-year-old named Sri Tej. Allu Arjun personally visited Sri Tej in the hospital to offer his condolences and support to the child’s family. This thoughtful gesture came after the actor was granted regular bail to the incident.
Pushpa 2 has now made its mark as one of the most successful films in Indian cinema, and its continued dominance at the box office further solidifies the film's place in Indian cinematic history. With audiences eagerly awaiting more updates, Pushpa 2 shows no signs of slowing down, and its immense success has set a new benchmark for future films in the industry.