Diljit Dosanjh’s New Year's Eve concert in Ludhiana has found itself at the center of a legal controversy after a complaint by Panditrao Dharenavar, an assistant professor at a Chandigarh college. Dharenavar’s grievance has led to the deputy director of the Women and Child Department of the Government of Punjab issuing a notice to the Ludhiana deputy commissioner, requesting a ban on specific songs during Dosanjh’s live performance. The songs in question, including 'Patiala Pegg', '5 Tara Theke', and 'Case (Jeeb Vicho Feem Labbiya)', are accused of promoting alcohol consumption, and the notice demands that even if the lyrics are altered, these tracks should be omitted.
Dharenavar’s complaint highlights concerns about the influence of these songs on young listeners, especially children, who might be present at such public events. His complaint also references past warnings to Dosanjh from various commissions, urging him to avoid performing these controversial tracks. Dharenavar pointed to a 2019 Punjab and Haryana High Court ruling, which directed the police to ensure that songs promoting alcohol, drugs, or violence are not played at public events, as such songs are believed to negatively impact impressionable children.
Additionally, Dharenavar criticized Dosanjh for performing these songs while wearing a pagadi (turban), which he believes should not be associated with negative values such as alcohol consumption. He has even hinted at escalating the matter to the High Court if his concerns are not addressed.
The Ludhiana concert was a late addition to Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati India Tour, marking the conclusion of his three-month nationwide schedule. Originally planned to end in Guwahati, the Ludhiana show was announced just days before the event, on December 23, and sold out quickly, signaling the immense popularity of the artist.
However, this is not the first time Dosanjh has faced legal challenges during his tour. In November, he received a legal notice in Hyderabad for performing songs accused of promoting alcohol and violence. Additionally, he faced allegations of black-market ticket sales in Indore. Earlier in the year, Dosanjh made headlines for comments on alcohol in his music, promising to stop singing about it if the government imposed a nationwide liquor ban.
Despite the legal controversies surrounding him, Dosanjh's Dil-Luminati tour has been an overwhelming success, with tickets selling out at every venue, showcasing his massive fan following and the appeal of his music across the country.