Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday accused BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri’s nephew of intimidating and assaulting Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers in the Kalkaji constituency, as tensions continue to rise ahead of the highly anticipated Delhi Assembly elections. In a letter addressed to an Election Commission officer, Atishi claimed that Bidhuri’s nephew resorted to acts of hooliganism in a bid to disrupt the electoral process and influence voter behavior in favor of the BJP. Atishi's allegations described the threatening behavior of the BJP leader's relative, who purportedly warned AAP workers, saying, "Sit at home, or you’ll have your hands and legs broken. This is our election."
Atishi, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation, has urged the Election Commission to deploy paramilitary forces in Kalkaji, citing the need to ensure the safety and security of both voters and party workers in the days leading up to the election. The Delhi CM's call for additional security measures highlights the intense and often volatile nature of electoral politics in the region, especially in constituencies where the competition between parties is fierce. As of now, neither Ramesh Bidhuri nor any official spokesperson from the BJP has issued a formal response to the allegations made by Atishi.
This incident comes just weeks before the Delhi Assembly elections, which are scheduled to take place on February 5, with the results slated to be declared on February 8. The contest in Kalkaji is particularly significant as BJP’s Ramesh Bidhuri faces Atishi in a direct electoral battle. This is not the first time that Bidhuri has been embroiled in controversy regarding his remarks on Atishi. Earlier, he sparked outrage when he allegedly accused Atishi of "changing her father" for political reasons, suggesting that she had altered her identity to gain political advantages. Such comments were met with condemnation from AAP leaders, who denounced the statements as divisive and inappropriate, further fueling the tensions between the BJP and AAP.
As the election date approaches, the political climate in Delhi is charged with high stakes, with the city set to witness a fierce triangular contest between the AAP, BJP, and Congress. The ruling AAP party, led by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, is aiming for a third consecutive term despite facing a wave of corruption allegations and internal challenges. The BJP, which has a strong national presence but has struggled to make significant gains in Delhi in recent years, will be looking to reclaim ground in the capital. Meanwhile, the Congress party, which has seen a steady decline in its influence in Delhi politics, is hoping to make a significant comeback and reassert its relevance in the region.
With the electoral battle intensifying in Kalkaji and across the city, both parties are expected to leverage a variety of strategies to win over voters, including rallies, media campaigns, and local engagement. However, as the accusations of intimidation and the ongoing controversy surrounding political figures in the state suggest, the coming weeks could see even more heated exchanges between the contesting parties. How these developments impact the final voter turnout and the overall election results remains to be seen. The entire political landscape in Delhi is on edge, awaiting the culmination of what is shaping up to be one of the most fiercely contested elections in recent memory.