A devastating accident occurred on Sunday in Uttarakhand's Pauri Garhwal district, where a bus carrying 22 people overturned and fell approximately 100 meters down a hill, resulting in the tragic deaths of five people and leaving around 17 others injured. The bus was traveling from Pauri to Dahalchori when the unfortunate incident took place.
Upon being alerted to the accident, district officials, teams from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), and the local police were promptly dispatched to the scene of the incident. The rescue teams, guided by SDRF Commander Arpan Yadav, worked tirelessly alongside local residents, who also reached the crash site to offer their assistance to those in need.
The rescue operation, carried out by the Pauri Police and community members, was intense and urgent. They managed to pull out 18 injured passengers from the wreckage and rushed them to the nearest hospital for medical treatment. Despite their efforts, four passengers were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, while one of the injured individuals later succumbed to their injuries in the hospital. The bodies of the deceased were transported to the hospital for necessary procedures and post-mortem.
The nature of the accident, with the bus plunging down the hill, raises concerns about the safety of passengers traveling on such difficult and treacherous roads in hilly areas. Authorities are continuing to investigate the cause of the accident, though early reports suggest that challenging road conditions and the steep terrain may have contributed to the crash.
This tragedy highlights the ongoing issue of road safety in hilly regions of Uttarakhand, where accidents due to poor road infrastructure, unpredictable weather, and treacherous slopes are a recurrent problem. The local community, as well as the emergency services, responded quickly to the crisis, but the need for increased awareness of road safety and improved infrastructure in such areas has become even more evident.
As the investigation continues and more details emerge, authorities are likely to address issues related to the safety of travel routes in these areas. Families of the victims have been informed, and the local administration is extending support to those affected by this heartbreaking incident.