Jr NTR and his half-brother Nandamuri Kalyan Ram shared an emotional moment as they paid tribute to their late grandfather, the legendary Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR), on the 29th anniversary of his passing. The brothers, along with other family members, visited NTR Ghat, a memorial located on the banks of the serene Hussain Sagar Lake in Hyderabad. This sacred place holds significant meaning for the family, as it honors the memory of the man who left an indelible mark on both the Indian film industry and the political landscape of Andhra Pradesh.
The tribute took place on January 18, the anniversary of NTR's death in 1996. Jr NTR, who is now one of the biggest stars in Telugu cinema, and his brother Kalyan Ram, both dressed in simple black attire, visited the memorial to honor their grandfather's legacy. They were seen offering floral wreaths at NTR's resting place, a symbolic gesture of reverence. In the emotional video shared on social media, the brothers were captured silently sitting together at the memorial, paying homage to Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, in an intimate and respectful manner. Their visible connection to their grandfather’s profound influence on their lives spoke volumes about the legacy that continues to shape them.
The video also showcased a serene moment where both Jr NTR and Kalyan Ram sat down on the floor, offering a prayer and observing silence, a deeply moving act of respect for the man who was not only a towering figure in Telugu cinema but also a beloved political leader. The entire scene resonated with a deep sense of nostalgia and reverence for NTR, who is still cherished as an iconic actor and an influential figure in the hearts of millions.
Along with the two brothers, Nandamuri Balakrishna, NTR's son and a prominent actor-politician, also paid his respects at the memorial. Balakrishna has consistently carried forward his father's legacy, both in his political career and his acting career, and his presence at the memorial further highlighted the family's strong ties to their roots and the immense respect they have for NTR’s contributions.
In addition to this annual tribute, Jr NTR had visited NTR Ghat earlier in May 2024 to mark the 101st birth anniversary of his grandfather. This visit was yet another reflection of Jr NTR’s continued reverence for the man who not only influenced the film industry but also brought significant change to the political sphere of Andhra Pradesh.
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao’s life was a blend of monumental success in the cinematic world and his groundbreaking political career. With a filmography that spanned over 300 films, NTR earned legendary status, especially for his portrayals of mythological figures and powerful characters in films. His work continues to inspire both film enthusiasts and aspiring actors today. But NTR's impact didn’t stop at the silver screen. His political career as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, where he served for seven years across three terms, cemented his legacy as a transformational leader. He was revered for his role in introducing several welfare schemes and for his larger-than-life persona, which made him a beloved figure in the state. His accomplishments earned him multiple accolades, including three National Film Awards, reinforcing his position as one of the most influential figures in India.
Meanwhile, Jr NTR has continued to build his own monumental career in cinema, becoming one of the most powerful and respected actors in the Telugu film industry. After his massive success in films like RRR, Jr NTR is now working on his next big project, Ayan Mukerji's much-awaited film War 2, in which he will be starring alongside Bollywood heavyweights Hrithik Roshan and John Abraham. Jr NTR’s participation in the War franchise signals his increasing global presence, and it is clear that his grandfather’s legacy and his commitment to excellence in his craft are integral parts of his journey. As Jr NTR continues to evolve as a global star, his family's deep-rooted connection to NTR remains a pivotal influence on his life and career.
The NTR Ghat memorial, which has become a symbol of remembrance and reverence for Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, continues to be a central place for the family and their fans. It stands as a testament to his extraordinary contributions to both the entertainment world and the political realm, and it ensures that his legacy will live on for generations to come.
Through their tributes and their work, Jr NTR and his family continue to honor the memory of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, ensuring that his influence remains a guiding force in their lives and careers, just as it does for millions of his admirers worldwide.