Kartik Aaryan, who portrayed the role of Murlikant Petkar in the film Chandu Champion, shared a heartfelt post on Instagram expressing his pride and admiration after witnessing the Paralympic athlete receive the prestigious Arjuna Lifetime Achievement Award at Rashtrapati Bhawan. The actor, deeply moved by the moment, wrote a long note reflecting on how surreal it felt to witness Petkar's achievement. He shared, “From living your incredible life on the big screen to witnessing you receive the Arjuna Lifetime Achievement Award, at Rashtrapati Bhawan today, it felt surreal. Every moment was like a dream.”
Kartik also highlighted the significance of the film’s storyline, noting that it seemed to have come full circle with the Arjuna award being a central part of the plot. He added, “Now our film #ChanduChampion, seems to have found its perfect ending (it started with you fighting for The Arjuna award) but knowing you, an unstoppable champion, this can’t be the climax... Keep inspiring Sir. Feeling so proud to be present in this moment framed in history with you and the honorable president of India. Salute to you and congratulations to all the Arjuna awardees."
Murlikant Petkar, the gold medallist Paralympic athlete, was overwhelmed upon receiving the Arjuna Award and took the opportunity to express his deep gratitude. "I am truly overwhelmed and deeply grateful to receive the prestigious Arjuna Award. This recognition is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the collective effort and belief of many incredible individuals," he said. Petkar also expressed special thanks to Chandu Champion producer Sajid Nadiadwala for bringing his story to life, emphasizing the importance of his unwavering support in making the film a reality. He also praised director Kabir Khan for capturing his journey authentically on screen, and gave heartfelt thanks to Kartik Aaryan for his impeccable portrayal of his story. "This moment is as much theirs as it is mine, I am truly grateful to the entire team of Chandu Champion to make this film and inspire so many people in the country with my story," said Petkar.
The film, directed by Kabir Khan, features a talented ensemble cast including Vijay Raaz, Rajpal Yadav, Shreyas Talpade, and others. Chandu Champion was released on June 14, 2024, and it continues to inspire audiences with Murlikant Petkar's incredible journey, both in sports and on the big screen.