Ramesh Bidhuri, the BJP candidate from the Kalkaji Assembly constituency in Delhi, sparked a major controversy on Sunday after making highly personal and provocative comments about Delhi Chief Minister Atishi. During a public rally, Bidhuri took aim at Atishi’s family background, saying, "Atishi, who was Marlena, is now Singh. She has even changed her father." This remark was not only an attack on Atishi's name but also an insinuation about her lineage, which was widely perceived as disrespectful. By suggesting that Atishi had "changed her father," he attempted to question her integrity and character, using her name change as a means of disparaging her.
Bidhuri’s comments were intended to undermine Atishi's credibility as a political leader, with the BJP leader emphasizing the supposed hypocrisy of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He went on to say, "This Marlena (Atishi) became Singh. She changed her name. Arvind Kejriwal swore on his children not to align with the corrupt Congress. Marlena changed her father. This reflects the character of the Aam Aadmi Party." In his rhetoric, he sought to highlight what he believed was a contradiction in Atishi’s identity and background, suggesting that her political and personal choices reflected poorly on the party she represents.
Furthermore, Bidhuri made a contentious claim about Atishi's parents, accusing them of having submitted a mercy petition for Afzal Guru, the terrorist responsible for the 2001 Indian Parliament attack that led to the deaths of several brave soldiers. Afzal Guru's death sentence was a source of considerable controversy, and Bidhuri used this to attempt to tarnish Atishi's reputation by linking her to this sensitive issue. "Atishi Marlena's parents submitted a mercy petition against the death sentence of Afzal Guru, the terrorist responsible for the deaths of many of our brave soldiers. I want to ask the people of Delhi whether they want to support those who sought a pardon for Guru's death sentence," he said, attempting to raise questions about her family’s alleged sympathies. This rhetoric, which attacked Atishi on a deeply personal level, drew widespread condemnation, as many felt it was an inappropriate attempt to play on religious and emotional sentiments for political gain.
In response to Bidhuri’s personal attack on Atishi, Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi and leader of the AAP, condemned the BJP leader’s words as "shameless" and insulting. Kejriwal took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter), saying, "BJP leaders have crossed all limits of shamelessness. BJP leaders are abusing Delhi Chief Minister Atishi ji. The people of Delhi will not tolerate the insult of a woman Chief Minister. All the women of Delhi will take revenge for this." Kejriwal’s statement reflected the growing frustration and outrage among Delhi’s political leaders, particularly those within the AAP, who viewed Bidhuri's remarks as a blatant attempt to demean and discredit a woman leader in a deeply personal and degrading manner.
This controversy was further exacerbated earlier in the day when Ramesh Bidhuri made another offensive comment about Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks. He claimed that, following his victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, he would ensure that the roads in the Kalkaji constituency would be as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks. This comparison drew a great deal of criticism, particularly from women’s rights groups and opposition leaders, who found the remark inappropriate and offensive. It echoed a similar, controversial comment made by RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav, who once promised to make the roads of Bihar as smooth as actress Hema Malini’s cheeks, a statement that also drew backlash for its objectification of women.
The remarks were swiftly condemned by various leaders, including Congress's Alka Lamba, who is also contesting the Kalkaji seat. Lamba accused Bidhuri of using "indecent language" and said his remarks were insulting to women. "This is an unacceptable way of speaking about women. Such remarks should have no place in our politics," she said, further intensifying the criticism against the BJP leader.
Bidhuri, who has a history of controversial statements, remained defiant in the face of the backlash, initially justifying his comments by drawing parallels to similar remarks made by other political figures, such as Lalu Yadav's cheek comparison. However, after facing significant public outrage and condemnation from several quarters, including women’s organizations and his own party’s critics, he posted a message on X offering a form of regret. In the message, he claimed that his words had been "misconstrued" by political opponents and expressed regret if his remarks offended anyone. He added that his intent was never to insult anyone but rather to engage in political discourse. Despite the apology, many were unconvinced, believing that his comments were part of a larger pattern of using inappropriate and offensive language to score political points.
The controversy surrounding Bidhuri is not an isolated incident. He has previously courted criticism for his inflammatory remarks, and his language has often been described as divisive and derogatory. His most recent comments, targeting both Atishi and Priyanka Gandhi, have once again put him at the center of a political firestorm. This is especially significant as the Delhi Assembly elections draw closer, with the political environment becoming increasingly polarized. In the run-up to the polls, such incidents are likely to intensify political rhetoric, with personal attacks and controversial statements playing a prominent role in the narrative.
As Delhi voters prepare for the elections next month, Ramesh Bidhuri’s remarks are likely to remain a focal point of political debate, with the BJP facing significant scrutiny over his language and behavior. Meanwhile, the AAP and Congress have seized upon the controversy to rally support among women voters, framing the BJP’s conduct as part of a broader narrative of disrespect for women in politics. The outcome of this controversy will likely have a lasting impact on the political discourse in Delhi, with both sides using it to energize their respective voter bases.