The escalating row between Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi and Chief Minister MK Stalin took a sharp turn as Raj Bhavan issued a scathing response to Stalin’s remarks, calling them "arrogant" and accusing the Chief Minister of disrespecting the Constitution and the nation. The controversy erupted after Governor Ravi staged a dramatic walkout from the Tamil Nadu Assembly on January 6, refusing to deliver his customary inaugural address due to the national anthem not being played before the session began. This incident has sparked widespread debate over protocol, state traditions, and the relationship between the Governor and the elected government.
Chief Minister Stalin had labeled the Governor’s actions "absurd" and "childish," suggesting that Ravi’s decision to walk out was a deliberate attempt to undermine the state’s long-standing traditions. In response, Raj Bhavan, through a series of tweets, strongly criticized Stalin’s remarks, asserting that the Chief Minister’s comments revealed a lack of respect for the Constitution and Bharat as a nation. The Raj Bhavan stated, "Bharat is the supreme mother, and the Constitution is the supreme faith for her children. Such arrogance is not good, and the people will not tolerate such brazen insults."
Governor Ravi justified his walkout by expressing "deep anguish" over what he viewed as a disregard for constitutional propriety. According to the Union Ministry’s directive, the national anthem should be played both before and after the Governor or Lieutenant Governor’s address in state Assemblies. However, Tamil Nadu’s tradition, established in 1991, involves playing the state anthem, Tamil Thai Vazthu, before the Governor’s address, followed by the national anthem at the conclusion of the session. The Governor’s insistence on adhering to the central directive has been interpreted by the DMK government as an affront to state customs and a move to assert undue authority.
This incident is the latest in a series of confrontations between Governor Ravi and the DMK government, highlighting a growing rift over constitutional practices and the role of the Governor in a federal system. The tension between Raj Bhavan and Fort St. George has been simmering since 2023 when Governor Ravi walked out of the Assembly during the winter session after Stalin introduced a resolution stating that only the government’s prepared speech would be recorded. Stalin, addressing the Assembly on this latest incident, accused the Governor of undermining the democratic process and abandoning established conventions for political motives. "In 2022, the Governor delivered his address without altering the speech. But since 2023, he has skipped delivering his customary speech citing 'absurd' reasons," Stalin said, emphasizing that Tamil Nadu’s governance traditions should not be disrupted arbitrarily.
The Raj Bhavan also took aim at Stalin’s leadership, accusing him of presiding over a coalition of interests that fails to respect national values and the Constitution. The statement added, "Thiru @mkstalin asserts that insisting on due respect to the national anthem and doing fundamental duties enshrined in the Constitution is 'absurd' and 'childish.' Such a stance betrays the true intentions of the coalition he leads."
Observers have noted that the relationship between the Governor and the Tamil Nadu government has grown increasingly acrimonious, with clashes over issues ranging from the Governor’s refusal to approve bills passed by the state legislature to disagreements over governance priorities. Critics of Governor Ravi argue that his actions represent an overreach of authority and an attempt to undermine the state’s autonomy. Supporters, however, contend that the Governor is merely upholding constitutional principles and ensuring adherence to national protocols.
The broader implications of this standoff are being closely watched, as similar confrontations between Governors and opposition-led state governments have become more frequent across India. Political analysts warn that such disputes risk eroding the federal structure and could further polarize relations between the Centre and states. As the controversy unfolds, it underscores the delicate balance required to maintain respect for constitutional roles while honoring the diversity of traditions that define India’s federal system.