An eight-month-old baby in Bengaluru has been diagnosed with human metapneumovirus (HMPV), marking the city’s first recorded case of the virus. This development has raised concerns among health officials and parents alike. The case was reported at the Baptist Hospital, a prominent medical facility in the northern part of Bengaluru. However, the Karnataka state health department clarified that they did not conduct the diagnostic tests in their labs. A source within the department confirmed, “The reports have come from a private hospital, and we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of their findings.”
HMPV is a respiratory virus that typically affects children under the age of 11 and is associated with severe respiratory symptoms in infants, elderly individuals, and immunocompromised patients. Globally, the virus accounts for approximately 0.7% of all flu samples. Health experts noted that the specific strain of HMPV in this case remains unidentified. "We are yet to determine the exact strain of the virus, as there is limited data available regarding the variant currently detected in China," added an official.
The discovery of this case comes at a time of heightened alert following reports of HMPV cases in China, where concerns of an outbreak have grown. Responding to these developments, the Karnataka health department issued an advisory on Saturday, which initially stated, “There has been no case of HMPV reported in the State of Karnataka.” This makes the diagnosis of the eight-month-old particularly significant, as it contradicts earlier claims and highlights the need for updated surveillance.
In the advisory, the health department revealed that a review of respiratory infection data within Karnataka showed no significant rise in cases during December 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Despite this, health officials have called for vigilance, particularly in monitoring young children, who are among the most vulnerable to HMPV.
India has encountered HMPV cases in the past, and the virus is not entirely new to the country. However, the current situation has prompted states like Kerala to take proactive measures. Kerala’s Health Minister, Veena George, assured the public that the state is closely monitoring the situation and is fully prepared to address any potential outbreak. “We are readying our healthcare infrastructure to respond promptly should the virus spread,” she stated during a press briefing.
The symptoms of HMPV are often similar to other respiratory illnesses, including fever, cough, congestion, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. While many cases are mild, severe infections can lead to complications such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia, particularly in infants and the elderly.
Public health experts are urging parents and caregivers to remain vigilant and seek medical attention if children exhibit symptoms of respiratory distress. Precautionary measures, such as maintaining good hand hygiene, avoiding crowded places, and wearing masks, can help reduce the risk of transmission.
As the global community keeps a close watch on HMPV developments, healthcare providers in India are emphasizing the importance of timely reporting and diagnostic testing. The Bengaluru case underscores the critical need for robust surveillance systems to identify and contain emerging health threats. While the situation is currently under control, the detection of this virus serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges posed by respiratory illnesses and the importance of staying prepared for future outbreaks.