Neeraj Chopra, India’s iconic javelin thrower and two-time Olympic medalist, surprised fans and well-wishers by announcing his marriage to Himani Mor, a former tennis player and sports management graduate, on Sunday, January 19. The wedding, held at the picturesque SuryaVilas Resort in Kumarhatti near Solan along the Kalka-Shimla Highway, was an intimate destination affair attended only by close family members.
Neeraj, known for keeping his personal life away from the public eye, managed to keep the news of his wedding under wraps until the announcement on social media. Even some of his closest friends learned about the union through his viral post. According to his uncle, Surendra Chopra, the couple met and fell in love in the United States, and their families wholeheartedly approved of their relationship. The wedding was planned two months in advance but kept confidential to ensure privacy.
In a refreshing move, Neeraj Chopra declined any dowry from Himani's family, instead accepting a symbolic one rupee as a token of good fortune. Surendra Chopra, who organized the three-day wedding from January 14 to 16, revealed that even the priest conducting the rituals was unaware of Neeraj’s global fame. The event was carefully planned during Neeraj’s off-season to avoid clashing with his intense training schedule leading up to the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. Both families agreed it was best not to delay the wedding by another two years, given his commitments.
Himani actively participated in pre-wedding rituals, spending 14 hours at Neeraj’s village to honor the traditions. Adding a charming personal touch, Neeraj’s pet dog, Tokyo—gifted to him by fellow Olympian Abhinav Bindra after his historic gold medal win at the Tokyo Olympics—was also in attendance. Privacy was prioritized, with guests prohibited from using mobile phones during the ceremonies to ensure the couple’s moment stayed intimate and special.
Neeraj’s remarkable achievements on the field include his gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics and a silver medal at the Paris Olympics, solidifying his legacy as one of India’s greatest athletes. He most recently competed at the Diamond League final in September, where he finished second. Over the years, his relentless pursuit of excellence has taken him abroad for rigorous training. Recently, he appointed legendary Czech javelin thrower Jan Zelezny as his coach to prepare for the upcoming season, which kicks off in April.
Himani, on the other hand, boasts an impressive academic and professional resume. After graduating from Miranda House, Delhi University, she pursued Sports Management at Southeastern Louisiana University, followed by an MBA in Sports and Fitness Administration at Franklin Pierce University. She is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Himani also works as a graduate assistant at Amherst College, managing the women’s tennis team, reflecting her deep commitment to sports both on and off the field.
The wedding marks the beginning of a new chapter for Neeraj Chopra, who has consistently expressed his desire to keep his personal milestones private. Fans across the globe have extended their congratulations to the couple, celebrating the union of two individuals deeply rooted in the world of sports.